Sorry, but we gave up on the video. It took too long and too many problems. Perhaps we will post some videos when we get home.
I just wanted to share that this has certainly been an emotional rollercoaster for me. My emotions have been sitting right on the surface since we got the first pictures of the boys. Whenever I talk about the boys, look at pictures of them, contemplate what they are going through, the love they have to give and how blessed we are to have them, I find myself tearing up. I am so grateful to God that we have been able to make these boys part of our lives. I know that this adoption has been Karen's idea from the beginning, but I am so glad I went along with it. I couldn't ask for a better wife. Karen has been so strong through this whole process and puts up with a lot when it comes to her husband. I am sooo grateful for her.
Well, enough of the low testosterone level talk. Here's Karen:
Just an average day for us here. Our usual schedule is to have breakfast about 8:30am, let the boys play and watch cartoons until 9:30 then do some school type work til about 10:30am. Then we head out to a park and play until close to lunchtime. After lunch Andres (and sometimes one of us) take a nap. The older boys play quietly - Lego's, cards, coloring, etc. We try to go to the big park from about 4-6pm. That gets us home before dark and in time to wash at least a little bit of the filth off before dinner. After dinner the two younger ones either play in the front area or run back and forth through the house. They really have a good time. Maicol watches TV or we try to play some Uno or Memory. You can tell he's a boy - he can't watch just one show it's back and forth with the remote. :) It's hard to believe it will be friday tomorrow. When I get up in the morning I wonder what we will do to fill our day and before I know it it's time for dinner and to get ready to start the next day. Time really does fly it seems.
There is apparently a birthday party close to us tonight. Kids playing soccer in the street and alot of noise. Andres was slow to go to sleep tonight and I'm wondering if the noise is part of the problem. It is too hot to close the window, so you get all of the street noise. We use the fan in our bedroom quite a bit.
I was watching a little of the Colts opener tonight on ESPN. The only thing I could understand them saying is the players names. They were ahead 17-10 last time I checked. Another trip to the Super Bowl?
Well, goodnight for now. Talk to you tomorrow.
Hi guys. Thanks again for the pix everyday. It's so nice knowing there will be new ones to look at and to see how the boys (and you both) are doing. They look happier and more relaxed all the time. Dan, your thoughts about Karen and the whole process were some of the kindest words I've ever read. You're both two of the most generous people it is our good fortune to know. You're an example to us all.
hey momma! i miss you! it's so good to see that you are all doing well. i'm starting to get a cold i think. probably cuz i'm not sleeping enough right? haha. i had a pretty productive day. chapel at 9, then classes till 2:30, lots of homework, dinner (which was gross), got a smoothie at smoothie king downtown knoxville, worked out for 45 min. (i love it here because there are people to work out with which makes it fun), then at 11 we had our hall devo's where i got to lead some worship. we did worship outside tonight, it was pretty cool. now i gotta go study for a genesis quiz! hope you have a great friday! i'm leaving saturday morning to go home so let me know if you need me to do anything while i'm there. night!
oh, i forgot to tell you. you might trying using to upload your video's. it will probably work better than here. and if you do post them there make sure to put a link on this page!
Hi to all of you. Dan and Karen, give each other a big hug and then one to the boys. It just dawned on me that you two in a few years will have raised 5 kids. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. We are so proud of the two of you. Just wanted to be sure you knew it. Love all of you,Mom
It's our anniversary today, but no big goings on. Matthew's overnight at a friends' and the little boys are being allowed to sleep in the sofa bed in the living room.
Christopher continues to ask every day to see the new pictures and wondered how many there will be tomorrow.
Glad you've got a routine going. That helps everybody.
Can Juan read? I'm guessing Maicol can, right? I was at the bookstore yesterday and looked at the Seuss books in Spanish. "Un Pescado, Dos Pesca, Los Pescados Rojos, Pescados Azules" looks like a winner.
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