Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fall Fun

Like out mustaches?
The "boys".

Aren't you glad we have dental insurance Mom?

We finally have a new camera. Here are a few pictures from tonight. Dan and Jonathan took the boys to church for the Harvest Party. I'm not sure what they were expecting, but they were very excited to have costumes. Jonathan drew the mustaches on for them. They got to eat corn dogs (they love hot dogs) and get candy so I think it was a good evening. When I got home from work tonight Juan was very excited about the mucho candy. They also had glow sticks which they took to bed with them. They finally did settle down and go to sleep, but it wasn't easy.

Not much else to report. I've worked all day the last 2 days, so Dan has been "holding down the fort". He does a great job. He has been working on putting up new shelving in the laundry room, so hopefully we can get that job completed soon. He replaced some light fixtures, so now we have light in there and in the hallway again.

Enjoy the pictures.


Saturday, October 27, 2007


Dan took the boys to buy their Halloween costumes. We had not really planned on doing anything, but they have been asking everyday for at least 2 weeks how long it is til Halloween, so it seems that we would have to do something. We looked last night and they were so excited. The two older boys ended up with costumes that involve a cape, sword, breastplate and either shield or helmet. I put a little black mustache and goatee on them with washable markers. They seem to be pleased although they did have their eye on being something a little scarier. Andres got a dinosaur costume. He seems quite pleased with himself also. We will have to get a working camera before Wednesday so that we can get pictures.
Not much else going on. We had Pizza Hut tonight and that went over VERY well. That's the first time we've had pizza I think. That and the Pepsi together were a real hit.
For whatever reason they are really wound up tonight. Looks like it might be a late night for us!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

More Progress

Nothing new and exciting to report. Everyone slept until 8am - yeah! Dan had a job this morning and then we met him for the weekly Chinese lunch. Jonathan came over for dinner and we roasted marshmallows outside. Each boy of course wanted to roast his own and of course they quickly set them aflame. So, we told them they had to eat what they cooked! That didn't stop the flaming marshmallows, but we didn't have to eat a bunch of burnt marshmallows because they didn't want to. They actually ate them without any real complaining. Andres had his "raw". I don't know how many he had, but I would guess at least 8. We went through a whole package of marshmallows between the 6 of us.
The two things we have noticed this week are that Maicol is mixing in more and more English with the Spanish. He says "no touch" alot - primarily to his brothers - and pretty loudly and adamantly. The other is that Andres is starting to say or attempt to say more words. When we first got him he had a vocabulary of probably 6 words. He still doesn't have a huge vocabulary, but is trying to say almost anything you ask him to. He would not even attempt it before.
I wish I had a video of Maicol skipping down the hallway tonight to go to bed. It was so sweet. They certainly aren't happy all the time, but I think they are starting to feel comfortable here. They laugh and try to play tricks on us. They like helping around the house. They're trying new foods (and even liking most of it). They have fun playing together. They are absolutely crazy about their big brother - but who wouldn't be, he's very tall and plays with them. :)
All in all, we can see now how far we've come and are looking forward to seeing the progress in a few more months.
Have a good night.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue

Here's a picture of ALL of us. We managed to get everyone in one place and reasonably happy all at the same time!

The cool weather has returned and now my boys are "frio"! They complained as soon as we stepped outside the door to go to Wal-mart. We were on a quest this morning to buy a pair of footed pajamas for Juan. Andres has some and we bought a pair last week for Maicol and Juan, but one pair was too big. Dan took him yesterday, but because he misbehaved and they left without the desired pj's. So Juan has been very good so that he could have a pair of the coveted pj's. This morning he was being VERY nice to Andres. They get along most of the time, but this morning he was hugging him! That's not typical behavior for those two. I ended up going to two different stores to find a pair that fit. He chose a chamoflauge print. After their bath tonight he was very anxious to get them on and happy to show Dan when he got home from work. I'll have to get some batteries that work so that I can get a picture of them in the pajamas.
We're starting to get into the swing of working opposite days and trading the kids off. We have both been doing some of the cleaning and laundry when we're home. Dan does most of the shopping it seems. The problem is that when I am home I want to be at HOME, not that I dislike shopping. I do a little more of the cooking. All in all pretty good so far.
We went to a fall party at some friend's house Saturday. They had a weiner roast, hayride and pinata. I'm not sure what the boys thought about all of it, but they seemed to have a good time. It was nice to see some people who knew about our adopting the boys and that had been praying for us.
We helped pack clothes to send to Ukraine on Sunday afternoon at church. I wasn't too sure about what we would do with the boys. They ended up doing really well. Part of the time they played with some of the other kids and part of the time they helped. Maciol in particular really likes to help. He worked right along with Dan helping pack clothes into large plastic bags. He and another girl from our home group worked together too. Juan likes to help too. It was good to see them playing with other children. Even with their limited English they still play and have a good time.
It's back to work for me tomorrow. Have a good night.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bikes and Hot Dogs

Bethany is home for the weekend! She rode home with a friend from school and we picked her up on the west side of Indy this afternoon. After a quick shower and dinner she's off to visit friends and maybe do some homework. It's so good to see her.
Everyone woke up in a grouchy mood this morning. Must be the gloomy weather. I was tempted to send them back to bed and try it again. :) Things did improve and we had a pretty good day. We had hot dogs again for lunch. That is the current favorite for all the boys - in particular Maicol. He even wants to have them for breakfast! They like them on a bun with sauce, onions and cheese.
We did get outside to play for a little while. Juan didn't get to ride his new bike today due to his behavior last night. He had to settle for pushing trucks down the driveway. Hopefully the impact will be enough to help him remember to listen to instructions the first time. Maicol was disappointed Juan couldn't ride too. He is excited to have someone to ride with.
Not much else to report. Everyone is asleep in their bed. Time for the Mama and Papa to follow.

Maicol, Juan, Jonathan, Bethany, Andres

Thursday, October 18, 2007

We're Cool

What a beautiful day! It was a little cool this morning, but the afternoon was sunny and warm. We got in a good amount of playing outside today. I really hate to think about this wonderful weather ending.
Dan went to Wal-mart this afternoon and bought a bike for Juan and a big-wheel type bike for Andres. My friends at work gave us a gift card to Wal-mart so we made use of it. They were very excited! Juan wanted his training wheels off, but very obviously needs them so we put them back on. Andres is excited to have something he can (almost) pedal. He just needs to grow a little tiny bit more.
We had our weekly Chinese "fix" today. It is amazing how much better they are when we go out. Everyone ate what they put on their plate. No food on the floor. No whining. No spills. WOW!!
All the boys are in bed and asleep. Juan had a hard time, but he finally gave up and went to sleep. Andres went to sleep last I think. He kept messing with his bed and making noise, so I finally put him on a blanket in the hall so he wouldn't bother his brothers.
Here are pictures of everyone in my sunglasses. They think they are very cool.
Have a good night.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Back to Work

I'm back to work fulltime, hence the decrease in pictures and posts. Dan has been home with the boys and it is going very well. They like his cooking and he takes them to the park and such. Probably more fun than Mama.
After a rough day on Saturday, Juan has had a couple of good days. He was really only in trouble for riding his big wheel where he wasn't supposed to today. He took his punishment of not riding anymore today and sitting quietly for a few minutes very well. He didn't even throw a fit when Andres rode it. That's even more amazing.
Maicol is using more and more English. He really wants to learn. We now know what some of the words and phrases are we repeat frequently. :) We obviously say "careful" a lot. He and Dan went bike riding this morning. He really loves it. The warm weather we've had has really been great. We get to go outside and play everyday. I hate to think about winter and very cold days when we can't go out.
Andres is still doing pretty good with the potty training. Only one accident or so a day. He is such a mimic of his older brothers. If only we could get them to realize that and want to be good big brothers. We keep telling them that they are good brothers when they do something kind to each other and that good brothers to this or that. When Jonathan is over I need to make more of a big deal about how good a brother he is and what he does.
I took a few pictures tonight and added them. I have a few more I'd like to add if someone (Bethany) would send them to me. :) I'm off to work again tomorrow, so pray that the "boys" have a good day together.

Andres "sleeping" after being in bed for an hour.

Juan and Papa watching a movie.

Maicol explaining to Jonathan how he is NOT ticklish. :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

This and That

Nothing new and exciting to report. No one had to work this morning, so we had a leisurely breakfast. Dan and Maicol worked in the afternoon and then we went to church to do Dan's cleaning job. They were having a marriage conference and had childcare available, so they volunteered to let our kids sit in on the movie. They all did very well. I think the small bags of chips and juice drinks helped, but they all basically sat through the whole movie. Last week we tried something similiar and the two younger ones only lasted about 10 minutes. They really are making progress in understanding how to act and what is expected of them.
I put flannel sheets on their beds today, so they should be warmer. Of course now it sounds like it will be warmer the next few days. I think I may make them some fleece pajama's also.
Juan has a sore throat again. He complains a little about his mouth hurting too, but I think it's a molar coming in maybe. I looked at the inside of his mouth and don't really see anything. Last month when he got a sore throat it turned into wheezing and bronchitis. Hopefully this will be a short-lived thing. It sure hasn't stopped him from eating tho. :)
Andres has decided to go back to being potty trained. He was essentially potty trained when we got him, but regressed to diapers by the time we got home. Wednesday Dan had him and convinced him that he needed to stop doing that. We bought him some underwear and he has been good since. I guess he just needed someone to let him know what he should do!
No big plans for tomorrow. Maicol saw the Monopoly game in the closet and wants to play, so I think we're going to get out the Jr. Monopoly and try that. He really likes playing Uno with one other person. If you don't watch him he'll "stack the deck". When he gets to play all his cards and all you're doing is drawing cards you can bet something is wrong. I usually ask him before we start if he's cheating. Sometimes he says "yes". I play with Juan using just the 1-5 numbered cards. He likes that.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Dan took the boys to get haircuts today. He said they all did ok. Maicol was complaining a little - he really likes it to be longer (especially in the front) and then his neck was itching. I told them all they looked very handsome. Juan was very proud of his haircut. He even took his toboggan hat off to show me. They were wearing them and gloves today because it was so "cold". They are so funny.
We ate at the Chinese restaurant today and it went very well. Only one piece of chicken on the floor, everyone was pretty happy with what they got to eat and they were pretty quiet. Things are so much different than when we first got home. The first trip to the Chinese restaurant was like a circus. We were trying to get food and drinks for all of them - they didn't know what they like, wouldn't sit still and understood little English. Now we know much better what they like, they will sit still and understand so much more English. We've come a long way already. Can't wait to see what it will be like in a couple more months.
Dan to Maicol to work with him this afternoon. He had a good time and the other two got to stay home and help me. Juan is a very good table setter. They weren't much help bring in firewood tho. Not as much fun I guess. Mostly they just played together. The late afternoon time is the hardest for them to not get in trouble. From the time I start fixing dinner until Dan gets home to eat it seems there is alot of fussing. I have been trying to have something for them to do in the kitchen while I'm there and that does help. They just can't seem to go anywhere else in the house and play. They want to stay in the kitchen and just "mess around" getting into things and bothering each other. Anyone else have the same problem?
Time for bed. Talk to you tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Here are the pictures of the pinata and its demise. They had a really good time. Maicol was the only one swinging hard enough to do any good.
I had a nice day at work and the boys had a good day at home with Dad. He put a fire in the woodburner today because they were cold. It was only in the 60's today. He said they did go out to play, but wanted gloves because their hards were "freezing". What will they think when it really gets cold? They are looking forward to it snowing, but I'm not sure they understand that with it comes much colder temperatures. Can't wait to videotape that event!
Time for bed for Mama and Papa. I don't have to go to work again until Monday, but Papa has jobs to finish up tomorrow.
Have a good night.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


We temporarily lost our internet last night, so no update until now. I wanted to put pictures up tonight, but I can't get the camera to cooperate, so you're out of luck.
We broke the pinata last night, so now the boys are happy. Our home group put it up in their room while we were gone and they have been wanting to open it. We just kind of put them off, but they were pretty insistent yesterday, so we strung it up in the living room and let them swing at it. We have pictures to post.
Dan has worked long days this week. The boys really miss him. By the time he gets home and we sit down to eat, they are so excited to see him they can hardly contain themselves. Dinner has become a loud and laughter filled event lately. They love to tease and joke. We do manage to get dinner finished somehow. Maicol helped me make a cake today. Juan has taken over the job of setting the table and is able to do it by himself quite nicely. They all are putting their dishes in the dishwasher after meals.
No serious injuries to report. :) A few bumps and scrapes, but no real blood. The fat lips are starting to disappear on Juan and Andres. Jonathan came over last night to entertain or be entertained, I'm not sure which. Either way, everyone had a good time.
I'm off to work tomorrow. I tried to tell them I would be at work and Papa would be home. I'm sure they'll have a fun day with Dad.
Take care.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

End of the Weekend

Our afternoon activity today was splitting wood. The boys worked very hard helping. I was surprised at the amount of work they did and what they could lift. They worked as hard as we did. Maicol is so thoughtful and observant. He went inside not long after we had started and came out with drinks of ice water for everyone. He even refilled my glass when it was empty. They were so funny. It was nearly 90 today, so soon after we started Dan took his shirt off. Before I knew it Maicol had taken his off and then Juan. Of course Andres has to do whatever his brothers do, so pretty soon he was tugging at his overalls trying to get his shirt off. Just reminds me how much they watch what we do and how careful we have to be with what we do and say.
Our other excitement was 2 injuries. Andres touched the lawn mower after it had been running and has a slight burn to his hand. Juan and Maicol had a bike accident and Juan has a swollen upper lip and a scrape on his face. Andres also has a swollen upper lip from running into something on Friday night. Guess we better get accustomed to the blood. They certainly are boys! :)
Here are a few pictures from Grandma's house. I only had a few because Maicol got ahold of the camera and did some video which used up the card.
Have a good evening.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I think we are done going places and visiting for awhile. We have been to see all the grandparents and aunts and uncles that we could. My brother is too far away, so he's the only one that hasn't had the privilege yet. We have enjoyed it, but are ready to get on with a more normal schedule. I have one more week before returning to work full-time. Coming back early has been such a blessing. I have had nearly a month at home instead of just 2 weeks. Dan has been able to work while I'm off. We'll be alternating work days when I return to work in another week.
Things are going well. Juan really wasn't in any trouble until tonight and I think part of that was because it was late and we weren't home. Andres fell and hit his mouth last night, so now he has a fat lip. He woke up during the night crying. I think it must have been hurting him. I gave him some Advil and Dan held him til he settled down. Maicol thinks he is so good at riding his bike he is now putting Juan on the bar in front of him and riding him around. How long til they both need stitches? :)
The boys met their boy cousins yesterday. A little akward I think because they don't yet speak the same language, but I think it went well. They have spent the day practicing saying their names and we looked at some pictures of them and reviewed how to pronounce their names. I think they are very interested in seeing them again. My sister took some pictures of all of them together.
Time for a cup of tea and bed. Since it's going to be 90 tomorrow we decided to split more firewood tomorrow. Actually, a splitter is available to use and regardless of the weather we're going to do it. Maybe we'll sweat off a few pounds. Take care and stay cool.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bikes (and other riding toys)

This is one of our favorite activities right now. They all like to ride their assigned vehicle. Maicol has a bicycle (which he has improved greatly in riding in the last week). Juan has a big wheel. Andres has a couple of ride-on toys you power with your feet to the pavement. They all like riding down the driveway and in the cul-de-sac. Dan or I will sit at the end of the driveway in a lawn chair and keep an eye on them and watch for any traffic. Fortunately there is very little traffic and the neighbors have been very good about coming in slowly and watching for them. I don't have a picture of them, but the funniest thing today was Juan and Andres riding down the driveway with a green bowl over their heads. Juan could see a litle with it on his head, but I know that Andres couldn't see a thing! What are they thinking? Not, I guess. I told Jonathan when he came over how smart his new brothers were! He just shook his head.
Jonathan came over for dinner and stayed to play with his brothers. They really like it when he comes over. They can barely eat dinner and act silly to impress him. I think he impressed Maicol with is basketball skills tonight. I guess he's probably a little better than me. :)
We had a good day. Dan worked, so I was home by myself. They managed to get their schoolwork done and I got a couple of loads of laundry done, made 3 meals and cleaned up afterward. Juan sat on my lap and cuddled up for probably an hour this afternoon. I think he was missing his Papa. They were thrilled when he got home this afternoon.
We're off to Ohio to see my Mom and then my sister, so probably no blogging for a couple of days. Take care.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Whew!! What a weekend we had! We went to our niece's wedding and to see Dan's family this weekend. It went really well, we think. We stayed in a hotel with a pool, which the boys LOVED. I think we went swimming 3 times in 2 days. All Juan talked about on the way home was the pool. He wanted to know when we were going again. I hope we got through to him that we don't have a pool. They did do alot of splashing in the tub tonight tho. The wedding was very nice and we got to see all of Dan's brothers and sisters. We went to the zoo and then church on Sunday. They were quiet enough and well behaved enough to stay through the whole service. Much better than last week. They really loved meeting their grandparents and aunts and uncles. They are not particularly fond of riding long distances in the car we discovered. Maicol asked more than once how many minutes and Dan was having to tell him how many hours. They were pretty tired I think. They slept almost 12 hours last night.
Today we tried to get into the routine of things. Breakfast, get dressed, a little educational TV, schoolwork, etc. I think they did better without too much free time. We met Dan after he got done working and went to a park. They had a really good time. Dinner went very well and as of 9pm everyone is in bed (and had a bath), the dishes are done and I'm catching you up on things. A good day in my opinion.
I only have a few pictures tonight. Bethany took her camera, so I'm having to use ours. I took 4 pictures today and it said the card was full. So, what you get is one picture of each child. The two older ones are doing their schoolwork and Andres is just doing what he does! I downloaded all the pictures, so now I can start over and hopefully there will be some good shots for tomorrow.
Take care and thanks for reading.
