Thursday, November 22, 2007


Gee, what could we be thankful for this year? Today it is three boys. Yesterday, maybe not so thankful because they were all "little monsters". It seemed like nothing was going right, but today everyone is happy again. Dan was home with them while I worked today so maybe that was it - although they do like me much better than they used to. :)
Last year I was making the decision to actually take the plunge and adopt. Dan was going along with it. :) We had talked about it on and off for years, but never did any serious investigation into the possibilities. I had always wanted more children and it seemed the biological route had ended and we needed to take a different road. As another birthday approached it seemed it was really getting down to "now or never" and I knew I would always be sorry if I didn't pursue it. We sent in our initial application to the agency in January 2007 and in just 7 months added three sons to our family. What a year it's been! I can't imagine life now without them. While they certainly aren't perfect they are a wonderful addition to our family and have made our lives so full.
We're off to Grandma's tomorrow for a Thanksgiving weekend. It's a four hour drive which none of us are looking forward to, but it's the only way, so we'll make the best of it. I'll be glad when they can read or play games to pass the time more easily.
Talk to you after the weekend.


linda said...

Hi, That was a precious picture of Andres and Bethany. You certainly have a great family, such a blessing. We really loved our time with you on Sunday. Hope you have a safe trip and a good weekend. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen & Dan,

Karen, it's been almost a year since you first told us about adding to your family. I don't think any of us could appreciate how quickly that would happen and how quickly three boys would become part of the Baker/McCarty family. We can't wait to meet them. I am thankful for all of our families and the love that is found within and around them.

Connie said...

It will be interesting to see what life is like NEXT Thanksgiving. I bet things are a whole lot smoother by then.