Karen's working so I guess Papa is about due to do a little blogging. As the man of the house I should be the one to anounce that Andrew has reached a major stage on the way to manhood. He is now tall enough to pee standing up! We are beginning to notice his pants are getting too short. All the boys are really growing fast.
We made it through the 4th of July. We went to the Noblesville fireworks and were very disappointed. People were beginning to leave long before they were even over. But the boys still enjoyed it. They also had glowsticks to play with.
Maicol's birthday was on the 5th. We did the Chuck E Cheese thing with family and Maicol's friend Anna. The boys have been wanting to go to Chuck E Cheese every time they see a commercial. They all had a blast! Chuck E made an appearance and Juan Pablo followed him around the whole time. Juan's bubble was popped though when he saw Chuck E duck out of the room and reemerge as a short, shy, female employee. Juan then had to proclaim to all that Chuck E Cheese wasn't real!
And life goes on. Bethany's working alot. I've had plenty of work, and Karen is making good progress with the boys and their attitudes. One of the boy's friends who couldn't make it to the party spent part of Sunday with us. They just love to have her over. Oh, and a outgoing little girl just moved in down the street. She came over and Maicol and Juan went riding off with her down the street. I was happy. The boys haven't made many friends in the neighborhood yet.
And life goes on! I'm sure there were alot of other things I had to say, but I can't think of them now. Whoever said little children keep you young must not have had little children! But they do give me a chance to spend more time at the pool.
Thanks for the pics. You are both doing such a good job with the boys. I'm really proud of you !! Love you, Mom
Love to hear the updates on the boys! They sure seemed to enjoy the sparklers, but then what kid wouldn't! We didn't even buy any this year but I don't feel bad at all... we live 1000 feet away from the fireworks stands and the kids enjoyed free fireworks shows for days and days, along with sleep deprivation because of the loud fireworks going off all hours of the night.
A little late but still worth wishing a Happy Birthday Maicol!
Wishing a very belated "Happy Birthday" to Maicol. Hope it was a good one & you guys continue to enjoy the summer!
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