Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life goes on

Nothing new and exciting to report, but I feel like I should write something at least once a week. We have had two really good days of school this week. Maicol and Juan both did their work without complaining, whining, goofing off, etc. I finally asked them if they were sick since they were being so good! Andrew is interested in "school" too, so I have been working on colors and a letter or number with him. He thinks he is very important. Part of the improvement is that I actually worked with only one at a time. It takes twice as long, but they don't fuss nearly as much. I guess they really, really want my undivided attention. I can't even look at the computer or paper while I sit with Maicol. Even if he's doing something that does not require my help in any way he really just wants me to sit there and do nothing else. I'm a multi-tasker, so I really hate to sit there doing nothing.

The weather has been decent enough to get outside some. We jumped on the trampoline, had sword fights, played soccer and rode bikes yesterday afternoon while Dan was off working. Bethany was home and made dinner for us, which is really, really nice. It is so nice having her here and since she likes to cook, that makes it even better. She has even learned to clean up the mess afterwards. Yeah!

The days just continue to fly by. Maicol has been "better" lately. I have been on him a great deal lately it seems for being disrespectful to me. I have spent some time talking to him about it, correcting him every time he speaks rudely to me, trying to spend more time with him after the other boys are in bed and trying to spend more time playing with him. Maybe that has helped, maybe time has helped - I don't know. But he has been telling me frequently in the past few days that he loves me. He has been more cooperative. I think in some ways he just seems happier. Or maybe he's just being nice because he knows his birthday is in about 6 weeks. :)

Andrew is having his terrible two's I think. He really likes to say "NO" very loudly and frequently. He has decided to just fall to the floor if he doesn't get what he wants. I generally just go on about my business and let him decide he's tired of lying on the floor. Juan is having a little of that too. He threw a fit when we were on the trampoline yesterday. Laid down and just screamed. We just kept on jumping and ignored him. He finally got tired of it. Maicol was concerned because Juan told him his stomach was bothering him. I told him all that screaming is the problem and sure enough in a few minutes he felt well enough to play soccer with us. I sure hope they get tired of this temper tantrum stuff soon. At least it's warm and I can either go outside or inside to get away from the noise, although I can usually just ignore it and go on.

Even with those things they are just wonderful kids. They still insist on being rocked before bed. They wants hugs and kisses. What a change from a few months ago when they loved Dan and tolerated me. Now sometimes they even prefer me! Yeah!

I've been lazy about taking pictures lately, so none today. I should have taken a picture yesterday of Andrew riding his "bike". His legs are finally long enough to pedal the little plastic tricycle he has. He was very proud of himself.

Have a great holiday weekend!



Wendi and Benjamin Wood said...

It's the terrible threes at my house! My goodness! Diego can throw some tantrums...and yes, he too, is exercising that "NO!" response all too frequently...

That is good that they all want to learn! Makes teaching a little easier! Glad to read everything is going well! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

sakocYou two are wonderful parents. I'm sure the boys will grow up to be healthy, happy, christian men. Love to all, Mom

janine said...

Hi, Karen,
Your comments about Maicol made me smile. We had some disprespect issues with Shirley recently (not just us, but with her teacher, too). She has seemed to "turn a corner" all of a sudden . . . she is more respectful and also more affectionate. I don't know exactly what's going on, but it's a good thing! I am always amazed at how God redeems and works in all of our lives. Have a nice weekend!

The Jensen Family said...

The terrible two's--Luke had the terrible three's, but with Andres, I think we may experience those as well. Sounds like we are all in the same boat as they exercise their independence and test the waters. Hope all continues to go well!
