Friday, April 4, 2008

Where is Spring?

The days just seem to fly by. Guess it's that way with most of us, huh? Nothing special going on. Still waiting for spring to show up here. I keep thinking it will be any day now, but we can't seem to warm up much. I did wade through the mud to play on the trampoline a little with the boys. Dan has too.
We have managed to do well with school work this week. Some days it goes so well, and other days they don't want to do anything and don't remember anything. How is that possible? I've bribed them a little this week. Maicol and Juan are both very interested in animals. I found a couple of masks of animals for them to color and cut out. That has provided incentive to get the work done. They really like pretending to be animals - sound effects and jumping and running included.
We decorated sugar cookies tonight. Fun included with a little something to eat. Andrew is really just interested in eating. The other two realized they were too full from just eating dinner to have more than one cookie - but not Andrew. He's just a little eating machine - especially when it comes to sweets.

Have a fun weekend.


Sherri said...


I'm convinced Caleb would fit right in with your boys, all the animal noises sound like our house! Have I said before how cute your boys are? The really are, I love all the pictures. Have a great weekend. We too are waiting for spring :).


linda said...

Hi, It's too bad you all don't live closer to Fort Wayne. Andy and the boys would have a lot of fun together. Everyone here is fine and it's a beautiful day. Spring surely is coming. Love, Mom