Hard to believe that winter will be over soon. We did have one "good" snow that provided several days of fun before it melted. The driveway of course needed to be shoveled, so very reluctantly they took their shovels and got started. When I looked out to check on them they had shed their coats and were working hard. They eventually ended up with a big pile of snow that they then dug out and made a snow house.
We also managed to finally celebrate Juan Pablo's 11th birthday. It was in November, but since he still had stitches in his head and was restricted a little on activity we waited. He had a few friends over for cake and ice cream and we also went to a local place to play games, duck pin bowling and have pizza. Hard to believe this is the 6th birthday we have celebrated with him.
In January we went to a state park for a 2-night, 3-day vacation. A nice chance to relax, sleep a little extra and do a little bit of what you want to do. That meant the boys watched movies and played their iPods, Dan slept and did a 500 piece puzzle, and I read. This has become a yearly trip for us and we look forward to it. We stayed in a cabin instead of the inn this year and that worked out great. Lots more room, and since we cooked our own meals it came out about the same price.
There have been many teeth lost in our house in the last couple of months. Andrew has lost 5 teeth and Juan Pablo four I think. Poor Andrew doesn't have any teeth in the front that "meet". He's cute, but is really looking forward to his teeth coming in.
This is what you do when you fuss about doing your schoolwork and have to stay home and not play with your friends. This is Juan Pablo's contraption. A combination of an old desk top, skateboard, various pieces of metal and plenty of duct tape to hold it all together. He and Andrew rode it down the driveway a few times. I love what a great imagination he has.
For Valentines day we did heart and Valentine things. We even watched part of a video of a heart disection. At least Andrew and Juan Pablo watched it. Maicol is very squeamish about anything medical. We also played a simple, but fun game called Don't Eat Pete. Basically it's a 9 square grid with silly faces on it. You put a piece of candy or something on each space. One person leaves the room and the other people choose a face to be Pete. When the one person comes back he starts to eat the candy. When he gets to Pete everyone yells "Don't eat Pete!" and he has to stop. The object is to eat as many pieces as possible. We did several rounds with goldfish crackers.
Not much else to report. We did see the neurosurgeon last week. Juan Pablo had an MRI and it appears that everything is as it should be. He told us we don't need to see him for a couple of years and that if he goes for a full year without a seizure we can stop the medication. Unfortunately no jumping on the trampoline for several more months, but he can play baseball this spring if he wants to (if he wears a helmet all the time). So, I guess it's time to sign up for baseball.
Our newest grandchildren are due in about 7 weeks now. We are excited to meet them and I know their parents are too. :)
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