Saturday, September 11, 2010

Then and Now III

Our three boys at a street side park in Ibague
Maicol playing cards at Patricia's in Ibague
Juan Pablo and "Andres" in our favorite park in Ibague
Maicol - ThenMaicol - Then
Juan Pablo - Then
Juan Pablo - Then
Andrew - Then
Mom and Andrew - Then
Andrew, Juan Pablo and Maicol - First Halloween in the U.S.
Bethany and Maicol - Now
Andrew and Jonathan - Now
Now - St. Louis Zoo

Well, it's been many moons since I (Dan) have blogged, so on this, our 28th anniversary, I thought I'd give it a shot. Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary of signing for the adoption and adding three more gifts to our family. Sometimes it seems like it all happened just yesterday, and sometimes it feels like a lifetime. I wouldn't want anyone to think that adopting 3 children is easy, but I also have to say that it is totally worth it all. There are times that I'm on top of the world and enjoying my family so much. But there are also times when I'm really depressed and wondering if I was nuts to do this at my age. With 2 family anniversaries to celebrate and the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the U.S. to think about, my emotions are a bit close to the surface. I think I'll try this another time.
These pictures can't begin to show how far my three new boys have come in the last three years, but I hope you enjoy them.
God bless you all,


Erin said...

Congratulations on both anniversaries! I love the old and new pictures. I always enjoy hearing about your boys!

Sherri said...

I loved all the pictures! Congratulations on 28 years! Praying your good days are outnumbering the trying ones. I hope school is going well too :). Zade's not too in favor of homeschooling yet!

Craig and Phyllis said...

The pictures were so good! I really enjoyed seeing the "Then" and "Now". Congratulations on 3 years with the boys!!!

Anne said...

Crazy how quickly they grow, isn't it? BTW your anniversary is 2 days before ours. We have 13 years in as of today. Congrats on 28 years and 2 years with the boys. :-)

Personal Trainer said...

hey!! you have a wonderful blog. thanks for sharing your life and experience here. keep it up and never give up. you can do it.