Not much exciting going on here. Just life. School is going somewhat better. After you have to spend a few days doing your schoolwork in your room by yourself it does encourage you to be a little more respectful and do much less complaining!
We had to buy a new camera. It had disappeared for a few days and I had looked high and low for it. I finally asked the most obvious person (Andrew) where it was and of course he knew. He came out of the bathroom with it. Thankfully there were no "bathroom" pictures on it, but it won't focus properly and it makes a funny sound when you turn it on. So, one more thing Andrew has destroyed. Oh well...
Maicol has had many better days lately. I think that some of it is our reaction to his moods - quick consequences for being disrespectful. I think some of it is just more time being with us and very slowly beginning to trust. Last week he was interested in what time of the day he was born, so I pulled up the referral documents and was looking for it. He began to read over my shoulder the information that explains what events brought him to the point where he was declared abandoned and adoptable. He wanted me to read it and I did and explained some of the things he wasn't clear about. He remembers very clearly many of the circumstances described. While he has known some of this information before, some of it was new to him. I think that in the past he really had not seen any reason for him to be adopted. He felt like he was ok and didn't need a mom and dad. Going over some of this information has helped him to better understand where he was and why he is with a new family now.
Juan Pablo has become a "please Mom" and "thank you Mom" boy lately. Yeah!!! He has been spending less time sitting on his bed for refusing to do things. He has also been encouraging Andrew to be good too.
Andrew is fascinated that he has 10 fingers and 10 toes. I'm not sure if we just never mentioned that particular fact to him or it's that he can count and understand what 10 is. Whatever it is, he has been counting them for us recently. He didn't want to eat bologna tonight (which I have discovered they used to eat and love) because it's made of "guts". I also discovered that he has been putting Cheetos in the overflow holes in their bathroom sink. Why? He is just so funny! He is also learning the "2-vowel rule" in reading.
Nothing else exciting that I can think of. Thanks for reading.
Juan Pablo and Andrew being silly.
We made a cake one night last week just for fun. They decorated it with colored sugar and then we put candles on it and they took turn blowing them out. Whose birthday was it? We don't know - but I'm sure it was someones!
Juan Pablo's lego creation.
We have had about a month of snow. This was the beginning of it. Heavy, wet beautiful snow!