Sunday, March 29, 2009

Three Birthdays and a Surgery

The title pretty much sums up the last three weeks at our house. Three of our children have birthdays in March. We start with Bethany on the 14th, then Jonathan on the 22nd and finally Andrew on the 28th. So, we have had a birthday dinner or lunch three Sundays in a row and cake (or in Bethany's case pie) three Sundays in a row. Jonathan's fiance Kristin said today we were going to be going through "cake withdrawl". For Andrew's birthday we went to Chuck E Cheese's. This is all the boys talk about when it comes to birthdays. We went for the first time last year on Maicol's birthday and now I think it will be a requirement for a few more years worth of birthdays. We just went to play the games and then out for ice cream afterwards. We did the cake and present thing the day after his birthday since that was when the other kids could be here. He has been very excited about having a birthday and being four. So we now have children from the age of 4 to 24. What a range!
Bethany had her tonsils out last week, so she had been hanging out at our house for about 3 days. Mostly sleeping on the couch, taking her pain medicine and eating slushies. She's slowly getting better, but is still pretty uncomfortable. But, she is back in her apartment and so we are a little more back to normal here.
That's the big news. We continue to go the proverbial "two steps forward, one step back" with Maicol. Just when it seems things are going well for him, he has a day where nothing seems to go right. Oh well, we are making progress. Juan Pablo is still slowly becoming more comfortable. I have always kissed and hugged him when putting him to bed, but he never reciprocated. Recently he has started hugging and kissing me before bed. And he has started hugging me spontaneously - something he didn't do before. Before we met them, we were told they would probably be very affectionate and want to be near us and touching us all the time. It took Maicol about a year to start that and now at the 1.5 year mark Juan Pablo has become more affectionate. As I sat reading to them before bed last night one sat on each side of me with their arm around my neck listening to the story. So, it seems we are still moving along in that attachment thing. It has been a slow, but steady process.
On to the pictures...

Bethany's Birthday and her pie. Andrew looks pretty excited too!
Jonathan's birthday - with Kristin trying to stay out of the picture.

Juan Pablo and Maicol at Chuck E Cheese's. I love this picture of the two of them.

Jonathan helping Andrew feed his tickets into the counter so he can get a prize.

Licking the blue icing he requested off of the beater. Is there anything better?

Andrew blowing out his four candles.

A very happy birthday boy! He is not only excited about his birthday, but he loves cake!


Sherri said...

Sounds like a busy few weeks! Happy Birthday to the three! I'm glad Bethany is doing better too.

I always thought before adopting that attachment issues were rare, but now I'm thinking a lot of people go through them, and it's harder than anyone says. I think our attachment issues with Isaac have been almost harder in a way than the disability. I'll pray for you guys, and I am glad there is progress!

Connie said...

Thanks for updating! Now I know why you haven't done it in a while--you've been busy. Glad to hear the attachment is doing better, too. Whew!

The Jensen Family said...

It's so refreshming to hear such an honest report of your adoption experience. It just reinforces how no one experience is the same. We were told the same thing-to expect a lot of hugs and kisses. It took our daughter a few weeks to give them to me and our son was very affectionate from the beginning. I was disheartened just with the two, short weeks with my daughter, wondering what I was doing wrong. So I applaud you for your patience and persistence after a year and a half. I pray that each day makes things a little better!
