Things we have learned:
1. Juan Pablo likes to talk - all the time, about anything, all the time! (you get the picture)
2. Juan Pablo likes to sing.
3. Maicol loves computers, cameras and cell phones.
4. They all like to eat.
5. They all want to go in the car- anytime, anywhere.
6. To Andres anything that moves is a "vroom, vroom".
7. Putting things under the front gate so that Mama has to open it and go get it is a great game
when you are 2 1/2 and can't get out yourself.
8. Whatever Andres has in his hand is very likely to be thrown at some point in time.
9. Juan Pablo could color for hours.
10. It takes about 10 rounds of Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children to get
Andres down for his nap. It takes I don't know how many to get him to go to sleep at night.
11. Maicol can beat Mama playing the "Memory" game. (Imagine that)
12. Juan and Maicol think if they talk slowly enough we will understand them. We would never
think that would work for us. :)
13. Juan is not crazy about obeying Papi and even less crazy about obeying Mama.
14. They all love to go fast on the merry-go-round at the park - until someone falls off.
15. We are having the time of our lives.
It has been a good day. Less fits from Andres. Everyone ate well at mealtimes. Each of the older boys got to take their own trip in the car with Papi & Patricia to the store. Juan Pablo got ice cream and Maicol got a ride on the ferris wheel at the store. We went to the park. We played with the frisbee. We played with the bubbles. We did some schoolwork. We built things with Lego's. We played on the computer. We played games. We watched cartoons. We had snacks. The boys got to talk to Grandma & Grandpa Baker and Bethany on Skype. We saw the Norweigan family off to Bogota. We were really sad to see them go. It was great having someone else around to talk to in English. We read the comments on the blog. We really love them. Now I know what other people mean when they say how much it meant to them when they were out of the country.
Anyway, that's a synopsis of our day. Hope yours was just as much fun! Talk to you tomorrow.
Dan & Karen
Sounds like a very full day. We did school work this morning and then the little boys went to Grandma Carolyn's for the day. Did I do something productive while I had no help? No, I watched TV most of the day!
Micah and Christopher both beat Grandma at dominoes. Boy does Christopher love winning. I bet Maicol is tickled to death to beat Mama!
It was great to see the pictures and read the update, but it kept me up too late so I'm off to bed.
Hope you have another great day tomorrow.
We have all looked at your website on a daily basis. It has become our happy soap opera at immediate care. I can't believe how adorable the boys are. We miss you, but are really looking forward to meeting the Baker boys. I expect to be having full conversations with you in espanol when you return!
Ana Wong
Hey parents!
It looks like everything is going pretty good so far! I've been keeping an eye on this blog every day. I love you guys and can't wait for you to get back. Send me an e-mail when you get the chance so I have your address.
it was so good to talk to you guys today! things sound like they are going great! i can't wait till you can be back. school is great, i LOVE it here. there is a girl on my hall that knows spanish really well. she is going to help me learn a little bit so i can talk to the boys. she also wants me to go to mexico with her this summer to work at a childrens home! wouldn't that be great! hope ya'll have a great new day! praying for you always.
Love your comments and phone calls.Iam anxious to see these guys in person. Am praying for all of you. Love, Mom
My kids looked over my shoulder and saw the photos of your kids and said, "Hey, Senora Patricia's house!!" They loved it there! I loved your list of "Things we have learned." Very informative. Camila read it and even understood it! Your boys look very sweet. We played concentration when we were there too, and our kids always beat me! Then I discovered that they like to cheat! By the way, the word for cheating is "tramposo." Pronounced just like it's spelled. Tramp-oh-so. One of those words the kids added to my vocabulary. Hope today was great!
Hello Bakers. I was introduced to your blog by Connie. I have followed her journey since they were in Colombia. Your boys look absolutely adorable and like true What a joy and challenge at the same time.
We are also adopting from Colombia. We are a month away from traveling down to Ibague to meet our new daughter (she's 11 years old). We are very anxious to get down there. Who knows, maybe we will see each other in Colombia.
Thank you for letter us travel this journey with you.
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