Friday, October 19, 2007

Bikes and Hot Dogs

Bethany is home for the weekend! She rode home with a friend from school and we picked her up on the west side of Indy this afternoon. After a quick shower and dinner she's off to visit friends and maybe do some homework. It's so good to see her.
Everyone woke up in a grouchy mood this morning. Must be the gloomy weather. I was tempted to send them back to bed and try it again. :) Things did improve and we had a pretty good day. We had hot dogs again for lunch. That is the current favorite for all the boys - in particular Maicol. He even wants to have them for breakfast! They like them on a bun with sauce, onions and cheese.
We did get outside to play for a little while. Juan didn't get to ride his new bike today due to his behavior last night. He had to settle for pushing trucks down the driveway. Hopefully the impact will be enough to help him remember to listen to instructions the first time. Maicol was disappointed Juan couldn't ride too. He is excited to have someone to ride with.
Not much else to report. Everyone is asleep in their bed. Time for the Mama and Papa to follow.

Maicol, Juan, Jonathan, Bethany, Andres


linda said...

Hi, Love the picture of all your kids. Grandpa is all caught up with the pictures. He is always doing something or is gone when I check my mail. Have a good Sunday. We love you, Mom and Dad

Connie said...

What a great picture of all your kids together! Bethany is beautiful! Like a princess in the middle of all those boys. Wow!